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Writer's pictureNatalie McClory

The Power of Brand Authenticity: The Importance of Being Real.

Building an authentic brand is crucial. Authenticity enables brands to generate emotional bonds with their customers. When a brand genuinely represents its position, values, viewpoints, beliefs, and purpose, it resonates with the individuals who share them. Authentic brands are able to develop relationships that transcend the transactional, securing loyal customers who become powerful brand advocates. What's more, being authentic allows a brand to organically stand out from its competition. By embracing its unique identity, position, and resulting value, it fully differentiates itself, creating a space in the marketplace that it alone can fill.

In today's evolved environment characterized by consumer empowerment, authenticity is more important than ever before. So how can you build an authentic brand? To be fair, it's more of an evolution. Developing credibility and trust with consumers is an essential aspect of brand authenticity. This process requires ongoing and reliable delivery of products, services, and experiences. Additionally, authentic brands prioritize building long-term relationships with their customers. This means consistently meeting customer expectations, providing exceptional service, and delivering value. And like all meaningful relationships, consumer connections are built through shared experiences and a realization of mutual benefits. All of this this takes time and repeated engagement.

Overall, building an authentic brand is a long-term process that requires consistency, credibility, and a deep understanding of customer needs. It involves nurturing trust, delivering on promises, and continually evolving to maintain relevance. But in order to build brand authenticity, you will need to put a foundation in place. So let's took at some ways to get started:

Succinctly define your brand identity. Start by clearly defining your values, mission, and purpose. Determine what sets your brand apart and what you stand for. This foundational work will serve as a guide for all your branding efforts.

Understand your target audience. Know their preferences, values, aspirations, and pain points. This insight will help you purposefully align your brand with their needs and desires.

Be true to your values. Ensure that your actions, communications, and decisions reflect your core beliefs. Avoid trying to be something you're not, or hopping on trends that don't align with your brand identity. If you try to be all things to all consumers, you'll fail to connect meaningfully with any of them.

Develop a compelling brand story. Communicate your company's history, journey, position, and purpose. Craft a narrative that is genuine, relatable, and resonates with your target audience.

Be consistent across customer touchpoints. Create a brand that is instantly recognizable via your visual identity, messaging, tone of voice, and customer experience, and incorporate it at every point where your company interacts with its target audience.

Engage in meaningful dialogue. Technology has provided us with the tools we need to easily and effectively interact with our audience. Use them to listen to feedback, engage in conversations, and provide genuine responses.

Where can you go to express your authentic brand? Authentic brand building requires adopting an omni-channel communications plan that is grounded in your overall brand strategy. It should include thoughtful consideration and execution related to digital avenues, including;

Your website; which serves as a central hub for your brand, providing information about your products or services, brand story, and values. It is a critical online asset that offers a comprehensive and controlled representation of your brand. It should clearly reflect your identity in visuality and tone, be user-friendly, and offer an authentic brand experience. If there is a disconnect between your who your brand actually is and what your website reflects it to be, it can lead to a disjointed customer experience and erode your identity and authenticity.

Social media platforms; like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube, which allow you to connect directly with your audience, share content, engage in conversations, and build relationships. Through these platforms, consumers have unprecedented influence. They can easily share (with increasingly wider scope) their opinions of, experiences with, and recommendations about brands. This presents an opportunity to escalate the authenticity of your brand, but it can also expose weaknesses in your brand position. Move forward with a well-defined strategy, and stay relevant while also staying true to your brand identity.

Email marketing; which can help you to nurture relationships with your audience, deliver information, share updates, and start real conversations. Emailing allows you to express your brand's voice and tone consistently, showcasing your brand's personality and values. Brand consistency across emails is key, because it helps reinforce your position and builds familiarity.

And yes, digital channels currently dominate the marketing landscape. So it is easy (and unwise) to overlook the effectiveness of offline marketing when it comes to building an authentic brand. Offline marketing includes print advertising, direct mail, and signage. But it also includes networking and "real life" engagement via your participation at industry events, your partnerships with like-minded people or organizations who can help your brand's credibility, and your investments in community initiatives that align with your brand's values (just to name a few.) Networking allows you to build real relationships, which fosters more engagement with and support for your brand. But these opportunities also require that people who work for your organization are well-equipped to represent your brand, and to do so authentically.

Obviously, your sales team (if you have one) is often on the front lines of brand-building. But you have brand ambassadors throughout your organization, including those that support the customer relationship (such s service specialists, implementation managers, and more.) Even your internal stakeholders who never interface directly with your customers have an impact on the authenticity of your brand. Because of this, it should be understood, embraced, and embodied at every level in your company; up, down and across your organizational chart.

To build a brand-forward culture, you will need to develop guidelines that outline "rules" related to your visual identity, as well as your tone, messaging, values, and key attributes. You'll also need to conduct regular brand training sessions for all of your team members, both during onboarding and as ongoing development. And, most importantly, you'll need to be sure that they understand the essence of your brand, including how it should be projected in their interactions with customers, partners, and stakeholders.

If you are invested in maximizing the benefits of an authentic brand, hiring a marketing consultant who specializes in brand development can be helpful. For starters, an outsourced professional brings a fresh set of eyes and a different perspective when it comes to objectively assessing to your brand. This external viewpoint can provide valuable insight and challenge your existing assumptions or biases.

Next, brand specialists have deep knowledge and experience in the field. They stay updated on the latest trends, strategies, and best practices related to brand authenticity. Their expertise allows them to offer valuable guidance on how to position your brand effectively, refine your messaging, and use your marketing outreach and customer touchpoints to build a strong and authentic brand identity. They can help you develop a comprehensive brand strategy that aligns with your business goals and target audience. They can assist in defining or refining your brand's position, values, and voice.

Ultimately, an outside marketing consultant can bring a wealth of knowledge, experience, and objectivity to the process of building brand authenticity. Their strategic guidance, industry expertise, and creative direction can significantly contribute to creating a strong and authentic brand identity that resonates with your target audience. But regardless of how you go about it, developing an authentic brand is critical if you want to achieve your maximum potential. Doing so will help you resonate with customers on a deeper level, set you apart from competitors, establish credibility, and foster a positive brand perception. Make it a priority to invest in building a brand that reflects who you truly are.


If you are interested in shoring up your brand strategy, contact us today. We will conduct a thorough brand audit, evaluating your current efforts and identifying any gaps or inconsistencies. We will analyze your website, social media presence, marketing materials, and other customer touchpoints to ensure that they authentically reflect your brand identity. We will help you build a comprehensive strategy for bringing your authentic brand to market and keeping it top of mind. We know that leveraging our branding expertise will help you maximize your potential in your marketplace.


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